Water Treatment

Water Treatment Systems

Water preparation processes comprise a wide range of technologies and physical-chemical methods. Methods must be selected with a view to the purpose of the use of the prepared water – the preparation of potable water requires a different approach from, e.g., the preparation of cooling water, feed water for boilers, or process water.

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Membrane Filtration Systems

Membrane filtration is the technique with the lowest operation costs used to remove particles and salts in the water.

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Water softeners and filters

Water softeners and water filters provide solution exactly for this problem.

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Reverse Osmosis Systems

Reverse Osmosis is the reversal of the natural osmosis process. This process is used to desalinate aqueous solutions. Using suitable high-performance membranes it is possible today to remove more than 99% of all salts from an aquaeous solution.

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Ozone Plants

Ozone has an extraordinarily large microbicidal efficiency spectrum. Applied correctly, it has a very quick and efficient effect on almost all known bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.

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UV Plants

With UV Plants, reliable and chemical-free water treatment for disinfection purposes and degradation of unwanted components are possible.

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Electrolysis Systems

Electrolysis is an economically sensible and technically perfected alternative to the dosing of sodium hypochlorite or other disinfectants.

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Chlorine Dioxide In Water Treatment

Chlorine dioxide offers a number of advantages for water disinfection compared with chlorine, the disinfectant mainly used.

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